Tag Archives: Masks
All for the Masquerade
I’ve been quiet lately. I’ve been processing since my return from a conference and the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
I’ve been thinking the three C’s: Christians, Conferences and Churches. I realize in all three, people hide behind a masks.
I remember learning the waltz once. I believe it was when I was attending acting school years ago. I didn’t find it difficult to learn.
The steps are repetitive and monotous, around and around you go…
As with any dance, there must be proper form. The traditional waltz is both elegant and dull.
Christians seem to like to masquerade and dance the waltz. We seem to like to hide and go around in circles.
Much like the Israelites did in the desert, never entering in and reaching the promise land.
I can just see God looking down and thinking, “There they go, masquerading and dancing the waltz again.”
I don’t know Lord, I honestly don’t know… but I agree, the waltz is whack and the whole masquerade thing is played out if you ask me. It’s got no swagga, no flow or flava…
We’re just dancing in circles like a bunch of lost robots with plastered smiles on our faces… meanwhile we’re dying inside.
I don’t know about you, but when I walk into a room full of Christians whether at a church or conference, it seems I can feel the weight of their pain and hurt behind their smiles.
Everyone looks good on the outside; make-up’s perfect, hair and nails did, matching Gucci bag and shoes, a fashionable hat even… ohhhh and that smile, that same smile I see time and time again… The smile with hurting eyes…
Their smiles say one thing, while their eyes say another. Switching their gaze away quickly, lest anyone finds out. The truth.
We are so afraid to be found out and exposed. So afraid to be seen for who and what we are.
So we just carry on, dancing the waltz and hiding behind our masks… smiling whilst our hearts cry and souls die.
All for the Masquerade.
Why do you think people wear masks?
Posted in blogging, christianity, faith, Healing
Also tagged Christian Church, Christian Conferences, Hurt, Masquerade, Pain, Waltz